
A Prayer for Janice Brother

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The power of prayer can do amazing things.
Prayers For Janice Brother

Janice's brother has recently undergone a 4 hours lung operation to remove some lumps. The operation was a successful one and his brother is now recuperating at the hospital in Singapore. But Janice highlighted that the road to full recovery will be long and tough one for his beloved brother and ask for our prayer for his brother full recovery.

The logo above is specially created by NAFASG help us spread this message to all your friends. Janice would be more than grateful to know that all of you are giving her and her family members all the love and support during these difficult times of theirs.

With a special prayer from my heart,
I hope your brother will get better each new day.
And with God's love embracing him,
My prayer to him, will find it's way

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