
Malaysian Can Now Withdraw Money From PayPal In Malaysia

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Latest update from Matt @ Marketing Internet Blog as follows:

PayPal now allows Malaysian to withdraw funds in Malaysia. Malaysians who has Credit Cards or Debit Cards (also called check cards, ATM cards, or banking cards) are accepted if they have a Visa or MasterCard logo. Paypal will only charge USD5 fee and it will take 5 - 7 days to process the withdrawal.

No more headaches and no more restrictions of finding ways to withdraw money from PayPal in Malaysia. THANK YOU PAYPAL!!!

This is really good news as you do not need to have VMI Card anymore if you have the relavent credit cards. To find out more, you may check it out at Matt's Blog.

Thank you Matt for sharing and posting the latest update on Paypal.

PS. I have tried to withdraw to my verified UOB Mascard card with Paypal but it keep sending me to the Add Credit card page. I added another Maybank MasterCard to it and I try again. The Add Credit card page again. Look like somthing wrong with my Paypal A/C or my Credit Card.

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