
Welcome HH Sakya Trizin to Malaysia

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yesterday afternoon, I was at KLIA to welcome HH Sakya Trizin. I went there with some committee members of the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia. We reached there around 1.15pm. HH flight SQ108 touched down at 1.30pm. There were many peoples(200+) from various Buddhist centre there to join the welcoming party.

We waited for quite a while for HH to clear immigration and get to the arrival hall area. Once he appeared after about an hour, everyone rush to greet him and to get his blessings. The situation was quite chaotic and blocked up the arrival hall. Finally, the entourage brought HH to another area where there have enough space for everyone to have a chance to get blessing for him. We rejoice to have HH visit Malaysia and there are many programs line up.



9月27日 星期四 8:00pm 佛法开示 地点吉隆坡十五碑佛寺

9 月28日 ~ 9月30日 法会地点 :OCM Indoor Sports Center ( 大马奥理会 多元用途大礼堂)Mezzanine Floor, Wisma OCM, Jln Hang Jebat, 50150, KL. Tel :03 - 4149 0333 、016 - 742 3190 、019 - 337 8599 、013 - 933 2933 、012 - 926 9670 、 012 - 654 7213

9月28日 星期五 2:00pm 财尊总集/招财/祈福大法会

9月28日 星期五 7:30pm 黄财尊灌顶

9月29日 星期六 2:00pm 时轮金刚大灌顶(前行)

9月30日 星期日 2:00pm 时轮金刚大灌顶(正行)

10 月6日 ~ 10月7日 法会地点 :Drukpa Norbu Ling Buddhist Center, KL ( 吉隆坡 竹巴中心 )196, Jln Midah Besar , Taman Midah , Cheras , 56000 KL. Tel :03-9131 6333

10月6日 星期六 2:00pm 大日如来超渡大法会 ( 毗卢遮那佛 )

10月7日 星期日 1:30pm 白玛哈嘎拉财尊烟供及放生

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