
Making a Will

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Making a will at a certain point of your life is very important so that your wealth or estate will not be frozen. It is not just meant for rich people only? We all have bank accounts, properties(owned or joint name), car, shares, jewelleries etc etc.

As stated at OSK Will Writing website:
Under the law, when a person passes away, without a will, all his/her wealth would be frozen. In other words, monies in the deceased person's bank accoungs will be inaccesible, houses cannot be transffered and share cannot be sold.
Writing a Will would allow a person to unlock the frozen assests and pass on their accumulated wealth to their loved ones in the shortest possible time to allow them to carry on with their lifestyle.

With a Will, a person can:

- State their intentions vlearly on how they wish to hand down their assets
- Appoint the persons of their choice to carry out their intenetions
- Save their loved ones from unneccesary hardship and costs.
I had recently consulted my company secretary/lawyer about writing a will as I do not have one. He sent me an 18pages of forms to fill up and the costs is about RM380.00 onwards. Have you done yours?

Or have your ever seen one yet, I havent too. If no, Below is one by the riches man on earth, Mr Bill Gates.

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