Page Rank Finally Turns Green

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

How important is Google Page Rank? After Blogging for few months, it finally turns Green. Ooops. it is PR 2 now from Zero 2 days ago. Off course, I am happy even though it is just PR 2, it is a good start.When I logged onto PPP, I can see that I suddenly have more opportunities with my PR 2. Therefore, I will have more chance to make extra $$. That is the importance of higher PR.
I am not sure whether it will be off any importance for other Paid Reviews Site.

PR is important for better PPP opportunities. With higher Alexa and Technorati rankings, it is even better.

1) If you are blogging for $, it is very important.
2) If you are blogging for fun & $, it is not very important.
3) If you are blogging for fun only, it is not important.

Is that correct? If I am wrong, please tell me.

Which category am I in? Who do not want $$$ if there are opportunities for you to earn it. I will classified myself under category No. 2 currently as I still do have high PR.

I have been reading many blogs and many have PR 4-5 and I think it is not easy to get to this level. Well, we shall not give up and keep our focus. One day, we shall join their ranks.


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