Lucky Draw for MyKad? ???

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What is the rationale behind organising such a contest? Do Malaysians have to be dangled a carrot to change identification cards (and maybe later passport, driving licence)?

It is the responsibility of every citizen to apply for Mykad if this going to be the only identification document recognised by the government. If the government have set a dateline December 31, 2006 a must for all citizen to apply for the Mykad. That is it and no need to extend this dateline or hold lucky draw to encourage them to apply. Impose fine instead otherwise they will just wait, wait and wait.

By having lucky draw is a bad precedent as it give the wrong signal. This is not the way. If like that every time the people will delay whenever the government set dateline for similar matter to get lucky draw!

The current Home Minister decision to cancel the lucky draw should be applauded. The government should be bold and tough.

We want to achieve developed country status by 2020 but first we must have 1st class developed world mentality.

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