Days are too busy,Hours are too few, Seconds are too fast,but there is always time to wish ....... a Precious friend, reader and visitor like you !!Happy New Year! Wish you a prosperous year 2008! ...
Day 4, we also toured the 1000 Buddha Relics Stupa at Kopan built to commemorate the late Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog and the Vajra Yogini Pure Land Park.Geshela Tenzin Zopa, the most perfect guru and the heart disciple of Lama Konchog was the person responsible for this Stupa and Pure Land Park Project. His initial intention to build a 70 feet tall...
On day 4, our Group had the opportunity to visit the Kopan Holy Child Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche and seek his blessings. Along the way to his residence @ Kopan, we can have a very beatiful view of part of Kathmandu. To read more about the reincarnation of Gesha Lama Konchog, you may visit this site. Click here. Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche was ready to...
The tour of Kopan Monastery also brought us to the room where the relics of the Great Mahasdiddha Geshe Lama Konchog was displayed.Relics are considered very holy and precious. Relics are manifested and remains are left behind due to the kindness of holy beings for the sake of us sentient beings to collect merit and purify obscurations. Viewing holy relics inspires us to...
After the early morning Puja, we had the whole day free to tour the Kopan Monastery and Khachoe Ghakyil Nunnery.Below is a map of Kopan MonateryThe main Prayer Hall.History of Kopan Monastery.Our Group have the good karma to have a private meeting with the Abbot of Kopan Monastery, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lhundrup Rigsel.After the meeting, Geshe-la took us to tour Kopan Moanstery and...