
Away from Blogging

Just to let you know that I am................Time to take short break from away from city life and blogging from Friday Nov 30, 2007 till Sunday Dec 02, 2007 to recharge and breath in some cool fresh air.I am heading up the the hills resort of Cameron Highlands located about 20 km east of Ipoh and about 150 km north of Kuala Lumpur...

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Food Reviews

Restoran Seafood Yong Tat @ Kampung Teluk Gong, Klang

Before I take a short break, I would like to share another restaurant that serves delicious foods but situated away from the main Teluk Gong seafood area.This seafood retaurant is loacted at Kampung Teluk Gong which is about another 2-3kms away from Glenmarie Cove. I have been there quite a few time. The last time I was there on 2nd March 2007 and...

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Fun and Jokes

Joke of the Day - Female Combacks

Man: Haven’t I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes, that’s why I don’t go there anymore. Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I’ll go to mine. Man: So, what do you do for a living? Woman: I’m a female impersonator. Man:...

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Positive Quotes

A Simple Gesture

Happy Weekend. A Simple Story to share with all readers. A little boy selling magazines for school walked up to a house that people rarely visited. The house was very old and run down and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out he would not say hello to neighbors or passers by but simply just glare at them. The...

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Food Reviews

Fried Kuay Teow @ Rest Subang Ria aka Rest FAM

When I have a sudden urge for a plate of Fried Kuay Teow (Fried Noodles), I will dropped by at one of my favourite place, Restoran FAM aka Restoran Subang Ria. This restoran has many other goods hawker foods like curry mee, fish ball noddles, many types fried rice, naan, murtabak, chicken rice, yoong tau foo. etc.But for me, my choice is always...

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Food Reviews

Kedai Makanan Ah Loy Famous Curry Laksa @ OUG Garden

I visited this restaurant for lunch on Nov 11, 2007 but decidet not to post too many food posts at one go as too many food items may be boring for some of you.The Kedai Makanan Ah Loy Shop is famous for their Curry Laksa and Assam Laksa. Outside the restuarant, Uncle Lay Cold Tau Foo Fah has came up with various version...

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Positive Quotes

How to poison your Mother-in -Law

My good friend sent an email containing the secret of how to poison your M-I-L. Read it and your will surely learn the secret art. A long time ago in China, a girl named Li-Li got married and went to live with her husband and mother-in-law.In a very short time, Li-Li found that she couldn't get along at all with her mother-in-law. Their...

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Launching of Geshe Tenzin Zopa Blog

I happened to be at LDC this afternoon after receiving a call from Bro, Gary that he is also signing up for the Nepal Pilgrimage trip. Since I was around that area, I dropped by to meet him and Bro. Ron. While we chatting, Ron told us that our LDC Resident Guru, Geshe la Tenzin Zopa has launched his blogsite and gave us...

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I have won £150,000,00

I have received the below email informing me that I have won £150,000,00. Offcourse I am happy but it is too good to be true and I have doubt due to so many reported fraud and scam going on. How nice if this is really true.? Should I go ahead and claim the prize?? Will you believe it? What will you do?QuoteMICROSOFT EMAIL...

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Motorbike Accident

Accident happened. On Monday night, my nephew had an accident along the Federal Highway near the Klang Toll. He recalled that he hit something and fell due quite dark at that time. Someone sent him to a clinic at Shah Alam and later back to his home at Section 17. The injures are not that serious except for the wounds on his leg,...

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Glenmarie Cove Klang New Launch Visit

Last Sunday late afternoon, I have no golfing and decided to travel to Klang to view the Phase II launching of Semi-D house @ Glenmarie Cove which also include free boat rides. We rode on 2 types of boats, the speed boat and the ferry type.Below are some pictures of the resort homes and the show house along Sg Langat (just opposite Carey...

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