This Chinese Adage which I received is very meaningful. Don't you agree?中國諺語Chinese adage關於『金錢』About “MONEY”有了錢 $With money$你可以買到房子但買不到一個家You can buy a houseBut you can’t buy a home 有了錢 $With money$你可以買『時鐘』但買不到『時間』You can buy a clockBut you can’t buy time有了錢 $With money$你可以買一張『床』但買不到充足的『睡眠』You can buy a bedBut you can’t buy enough sleep有了錢 $With money$你可以買一本『書』但買不到『知識』You can buy a bookBut you can’t buy knowledge有了錢 $With money$你可以買到醫療『服務』但買不到『健康』You can buy medical treatmentbut...
I will be going to Yogyarkarta next month to tour Borobudur, the great Buddhist stupa on Java(Indonesia), built and decorated perhaps before 800AD, should be on anybody's list of the ten greatest art-complexes in the world for its size, quality, sophistication and excellent state of preservation.Borobudur, the temple on the hill is a complete initation to Buddhist art, religion and customs. It conveys...
It is time to change my old template to this new one to give a refreshing look to my blog. It took me about 3 days to do the migration after some testing with some templates.What makes me suddenly wanted to change the template? Well, I happened to come across this blog : eblog Templates that offer very nice Free Premium Templates for...
Received this from a friend. Is this statement true?In a Chicago hospital, a gentleman had made several attempts to get into the men's restroom, but it had always been occupied. A nurse noticed his predicament. ' Sir', she said ' You may use the ladies room if you promise not to touch any of the buttons on the wall.' He did what he...
Got this through an email. I think it is worth knowing so: PLEASE READ STORY. BEWARE !!!This is a real story, my nephew told me, & I would like to share with all of you. Be careful, if u hv the habit of sending yr car for car wash or similar matter (car jockey etc) while in shopping complex...Two weeks ago my nephew...
I have wanted to tried this shop last week but it was closed . Since the signboard stated that it serves the Jalan Sultan Famous Loh Shee Fun, i wanted to check it out.So, I today I went back again and lucky that it was open. This cafe has been in business for almost 2years. This is a branch of the famous Sang...
I attended a mandala offering class conducted by Geshela Tenzin Zopa prior to the Mandala Retreat on April 6, 2008 from 3-9pm. On the day of the mandala retreat, we had more than 100 participants. It was very inspiring and meaningful retreat where I practised what I have learn in this merit accumulation mandala retreat. I truly enjoyed the retreat and what an...
I went on vegetarian diet for a day yesterday for the Black Manjushri Jenang by Lama Choden Rinponche. It is a requirement for anyone who is taking the initiation. I was looking for a new vegetarian restaurant for lunch and I remembered this one which was recommended by my friends at LDC. I brought two of my friends along to try it out....
In today The Star Paper and reported in many news report and websites, this is a very good article on how to be a Happy Person. Want to know the secret, read more. Stressed-out Singapore named its happiest person on Thursday at a conference that aimed to make people in the city-state feel better. Andy Goh, 35, the manager of a local engineering...
On Tuesday, April 15, 2008, I attended the Scania Launching of their next generation of New P, G & R Series @ F1 Sepang Circuit Paddock Area.SCANIA, a leading Swedish maker of heavy vehicles and bus, plans to use Malaysia as its base to bring in components and distribute kits to its assembly lines in Southeast Asia. Its chief executive officer for Southeast...
Not unable to blog much the last one week due busy. A short update to share with you all about this email which I received about ATM machines paying out less than the withdrawn amount. Be cautious the next time you make withdrawal.QuoteDear All,I would like to share a real life story with all my friends and especially all my colleagues and all...
What is Blue Screen of Death. ??? One of my home PC had this problem 2 days ago.The blue screen of death (BSOD), is the informal name given by users to the Windows general protection fault (GPF) error. Named in honor of the error's dreaded display image of white text on a blue background, the BSOD is generated by the operating system when...
I have signed up for the Mercedes Trophy 2008 Qualifying Round 2 and I am aiming for the Hole-in-One Price which is worth RM350k. As per tradition, one of the highlights of the tournament is the grand prize for the hole-in-one for all par 3 holes – a Mercedes-Benz E200K worth RM353,888.00.Venue : Saujana Golf & Country Club, SubangDates : 21 May, 2008...
Many people look forward to early retirement but when they took that option, they find out later that retirement is boring when you do not having others things to keep you busy. I have some friends who have retired, they told me that retirement is boring and he is looking for some jobs. The latest survey by AXA Affin Life Insurance seems to...
Upcoming Event Choden RinpocheLosang Dragpa Buddhist Centre Choden Rinpoche, one of the greatest lamas of our time, will be coming back to LDC. Programme Commentary on the Heart Sutra April 12,14 7.30pm April 13 3.00pm Tara Puja with Choden Rinpoche April 13 7.30pm Guru Puja with Choden Rinpoche April 15 7.30pm Teaching on Calm Abiding April 16-17 7.30pm Black Manjushri Initiation April 18...