
Cherating Beach @ Kuantan

We make a trip back to Kuantan during the Nuzul Quran holiday on August 17, 2011 and stayed at Holiday Villa, Cherating. It is also a Public Holiday in Pahang. I woke up early to watch the sunrise and below are some pictures that I took. Since it is a weekday, there are not many people at the beach. ...

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Travel (New Zealand)

Sherbourne Motor Lodge @ Christchurch

We stayed at Sherboune Motor Lodge on the day of arrival and the day before departure. This hotel very conveniently located around the city area and not to far away from the airport. Below is a map showing the location of Sherboune Motor lodge marked "A". Sherborne Motor Lodge is located at 94 Sherborne Street in the Christchurch suburb of St Albans. It...

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